Thursday, June 29, 2006

Brilliant Work

Some time back I mentioned that a wonderful guy named Henry Brilliant called me after seeing my work in a local hospital. He is a construction manager and works with a high end design/build company here in Dallas with global projects. They are working on a number of local healthcare facilities and thought I would be the perfect artist to work with. I supplied them with images, pricing, and a resume, and put it on my "we'll see what happens with that" list. Well, something has happened.

A few weeks ago all the interested parties had a meeting and flew in five artists they had worked with in the past. I assume they all gave presentations, but since I wasn't there I'm not sure how it went. My advocate Henry Brilliant submitted all my information. Based on that, the other artist's proposals, and my website, they chose me. I got a call from the design firm a week or so ago telling me the time frame for the design phase, to be quickly followed by the actual construction. Again, I thought, "we'll see what happens with that".

Didn't have to wait long, I got another call this afternoon and they want to see some actual paintings for a meeting next week (when I'm in Yellowstone of course). I rounded up a couple paintings and the designer asked if I wanted her to come get them! Wow! Sure saves me from driving to downtown Dallas, and also gives me a great opportunity to show what's in the studio - to a brand new client.

As if that weren't enough, they also have asked me to provide some good images for the packets they prepare for tenants so that new move-ins can call me direct for artwork.

I'm feeling particularly blessed today.


Martha Marshall said...

Wow Robin - That's just too cool!!! But I think your title tells the story. It was your brilliant work, plus years of determination, dedication and persistence, that put him in front of that artwork on the wall in the first place.

France said...

Hello! I just came across your website, and hence your blog. I love your work, I love the colours, textures and juxtapositions of ideas in your mixed media pieces. I'm bookmarking your site so I can come when I feel like I've lost my creative mojo :)
How exciting to have so many of your pieces on display in so many places.
Thank you for displaying your work on the internet. Your work is highly inspiring!

France in Western Australia

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Robin. Congratulations.

Emily said...

Congratulations! And very inspiring...makes me feel like there is definite hope as an artist!!

Joyce said...

Bravo, Robin!!