Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Different Kind of Idle

The town of Rivel, southern France.

I feel lazy! I have work I don't want to do. I have ideas rolling around in my head that want to get out. I have orders for paintings and photography that I am ignoring. I am totally unorganized. What's wrong with me?

I am immersed in France. I look at these photos and I want to go back. Realistically, though, I think a large part of the appeal is that the time I spent there was "time out". No bills to pay, no deadlines to meet, no responsibility other than pulling out a credit card and filling up the gas tank.

It's an idlyllic dream I like to revisit from time to time. There's that word "idle" again....


Karen Jacobs said...

I could have written that post, Robin! Maybe it's a delayed reaction we have to muster through, but man! I can't get anything done, art or otherwise. At least Debbie was with you to experience what you are missing, around here, there's not much empathy and it's like it never happened... except for all those pics...

Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah.....I know exactly how you feel. But, I have to get that stuff out so I have to get back to work.