Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Naked Mark-Making

I am blessed with an exuberant spirit. So it's not surprising that I should get caught up in the energy of painting and find it necessary to throw off my clothes. Okay, being more precise, as I moved a loaded sponge roller across the surface of this big canvas I was pelted with black paint. So it really WAS necessary to remove those clothes and head directly to the washing machine with them! The painting is coming along -- I can feel it.

I've been in contact (they found me through my website) with a medical construction company affiliated with a very large design/build company with offices in Dallas and in 5 other worldwide locations. This could be a valuable relationship, as it would take a few eggs out of the basket of one client I am very dependent upon, and move them to another client. So far so good, after our phone conversation yesterday. It seems the principal has been looking for someone like me he can work with on every project. How did I get so lucky?


Martha Marshall said...

That's so exciting, Robin! Of course you already know the answer -- you have made your own luck with lots of hard work and tenacity!

Anonymous said...

Hahha......I always say that luck finds the person who has worked hard and prepared for that eventuality.

That said, I laughed about the paint on you. Recently, I decided to put my hands in (literally) and poured and squished it around so I know how you feel. I did get some interesting backgrounds anyway...