Back From the Beach
I'm easily distracted these days, even with all the projects I am trying to manage. Or maybe because of those projects. It can be overwhelming.
I made a quick trip to San Antonio 2 wks ago, to visit my dad and to preview the site of the large resort project I am working on. It happened to be a rare rain day, so the site was mostly mud. I was denied entrance anyway since I didn't get prior permission to go onsite.
Then I took off in the opposite direction, spent a day with Monica Linville in San Juan, PR before heading to the island of Anguilla for 10 days. Wow -- the beaches are gorgeous. Puffy white clouds everyday, clear azure waters, and warm temperatures, what could be better? Oh yea, pina coladas on the beach! I have tan lines in February. It also was a work trip, since I hauled my photo equipment with me, including the underwater housing for my Canon G9. Those photos aren't great since it was my first time to use it, and it's a little hard to see what you're doing underwater through goggles and the housing. I have newfound respect for divers who produce those great shots.
It's back to work now, and yesterday was mostly spent in meetings. I'm almost ready to get the brushes out again, it's been so long I might be a little rusty!
I know what you mean about feeling distracted...You sound like you had a good time though in San Juan (It sounds so beautiful!) so hopefully that might have helped. I've been reading your blog for a while and I love your work! To an art student you are very inspiring!
Your link to monica doesn't work. you need a www. before the
did you say San Antonio as in my San Antonio, you should have told me i would have loved to show you my work and my gallery, which is for sell if you know anyone looking for a house here on the eastside about a mile from the alamo, $59,000
Welcome back Robin :) We've missed you.
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