Bath House Reception
Yesterday morning I spent on trash duty, hiking and cleaning up debris at Spring Creek. There were about twelve of us, some with dogs. Both my dogs came along and had a big time since it was a combination of hiking and swimming for them. We were all tired at the end of the afternoon and I fell asleep on the couch and woke up just in time to get to the reception.
Big crowd at the Bath House last night for the opening reception of Some Like It Hot, an exhibit of encaustic artworks by my local group, Texas WAX/Dallas. There's a concurrent show, also quite good, of women printmakers.
I bought a number of plastic containers with the idea of testing them out as molds for cast resin. I haven't perfected my process and it makes me crazy. Especially when I continue to design installations including cast elements. I'll be pouring samples today to determine what works and what doesn't. I'm not looking forward to it since it's a toxic and messy process. Oh well.
Whooo! What a day! I love it when the dogs are tired, don't you? I know you are doing that resin outside -- good thing!
Wax & resin! No wonder you didn't mind a little wet R&R with the dogs! Can't wait to see the results of your studio time. Annette
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