Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Me and Frank Stella

This is the painting installed at the Ritz.

Amazing things happen! I've already posted about getting one photograph in every room at the new Ritz-Carlton hotel here in Dallas, but I have something new to report. Now I have one original in a suite, in the company of modern art heavyweights like Frank Stella. The Ritz had a nice budget for artwork, and if the design firm had been local I would have had a better chance to get more paintings in there, but as it is, I feel lucky.

Today I'm shipping off a stack of paintings to my rep in California. Once that's cleared out it's back to work on the sunset paintings which really need to be finished up and out of the way.

I'm printing today, too, with this being the first major test of my newest printer. These are large digital paintings on canvas, 44" x 72". They will go in a hotel in Burbank, CA.

Got my new washer and dryer installed, so I've been washing everything I can find to test it out. Have you ever seen a top loading dryer? I love it!


Annette Bush said...

I love that there is great movement combined with e dream quality. Nice!

Emily said...

I agree...& the colors are stunning!

Joanie Gagnon San Chirico said...

Not too shabby, on the wall with Frank Stella no less! Congratulations!

Walker said...

Thanks Annette, Emily and Joanie!

Anonymous said...

can you blog about the way you pack stuff to ship?