Thursday, November 02, 2006

Think Spring!

Red Poppy, original photography, 26" x 42"
This gorgeous red poppy grew in my front garden last year. It was a good year for poppies. I just now printed that image for a client who asked for a floral spanning across two panels. She liked this one, and I just split it into two and printed at her specified size. As it came off the printer I could see outside that the wind was blowing and tired leaves were pushed off the trees, but in my office, it was spring, and this lush red bloom lit up the room.

In addition to that, I am working on a 36 x 48 resin box. There are so many steps involved in this. If my clients knew it maybe they would understand my pricing better. As it is, they sometimes raise their eyebrows. But really, first I have to take the photo, then digitally process it to the appropriate size (and sometimes change the color), then print. The box itself has two coats of gesso, two coats of gloss varnish. The sides are painted to match the photo, then 2 coats of varnish. The photo is applied to the box (no small feat to get it even and flat with no bubbles). It should dry for at least a day before the first layer of resin is poured (on a table leveled for this purpose, otherwise the resin runs off the side). Then a close check for missed spots, runs, etc. and another layer of resin. Curing takes another 24-48 hours, during which time anything can happen (cat hair, mosquitoes, dust). Whew! I'm tired just talking about it!


Martha Marshall said...

With three dogs and two cats this is probably not an option for me. But it's fun thinking about it.

That second half of the poppy is a wonderful abstract.

Emily said...

Love hearing about the process! Wow...I'm trying this out myself and I'll have to level a table. Do you do the resin work outside or in a controlled environment?

And of course, absolutely beautiful red! Love it! :)

Walker said...

Resin is tempermental. I tried it outside, but too much air moving around! So I do it in a "controlled environment", where I can shut the door, let it cure, then open the windows and air it all out.