Monday, November 27, 2006

Feeling the Tension

Most Mondays are new beginnings to me, but this one is a signal that my time in Santa Fe is ending. No, not today, but soon. Debbie leaves today, I meet Charlotte in town, tomorrow I have lunch with Patricia, and drinks with Mary. Wednesday I clean house, the homeowner's return. Thursday there's a big cold front coming through, and it might snow. That's my scheduled day of departure, but I don't want to leave! I might stay another day....

I'm in conflict between breathing the crisp air of pinion and juniper and getting back to the studio. I'm ready for art making but not ready to leave. Everytime I wonder why I don't live here I find it hard to remember the economy of living in Dallas, and the fact that most of my clients are there. Sure, I could change all that, but I'm not willing to struggle that hard.


Bobbi A. Chukran, Author said...

I totally understand. Sometimes I think I'd rather live in a teeny apartment in SF than our big house here in TX. They say you can live & work anywhere these days as long as you have high speed internet and Fed-Ex, but it's not as simple as that, is it?

Oh well, enjoy the time you have there!

bobbi c.

Karen Jacobs said...

Good grief, girl... you don't stay in Dallas long enough for it to make a difference ;-) Keep on truckin' ...

Walker said...

aha KJ - as always you cut to the heart of it. And I've just landed a Christmas housesitting gig for a new friend in Santa Fe - so it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the trip to Miami Beach on the 6th....

Walker said...

ha! there's a snow storm headed to SF, so I'll be lucky if I'm home for three days before I'm off to Miami!