Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Core of Survival

I'm here in Florida tending to my ill sister, who has improved dramatically in the past few days. It's remarkable what is possible through sheer will.

Still, it's hard to be here, to see her struggle.

It seems the tripod is not an issue after all, since I don't have the energy to even lift my camera. It's a shame since I do so many hotels in Florida, and I could really use the additional images to add to my database, but that seems insignificant to me now.

My sister has a fabulous art studio she built a few years ago, and all I've done is wander out there and look in the windows. She's a good artist, and the studio is full of paintings. I hope she's able to get back to that one day.


Anonymous said...

It must be very comforting to your sister to have you there making sure she is being looked after.

Martha Marshall said...

Robin, I know she is so happy you are there. Tell her I'm sending a hug.