Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Report from the Client

The owner of the hotel did not like the abstracted beach scene painting. That happens sometimes. What they DO like is the bottom right hand corner, the people! They will use only that section, print it 36" sq, and that's the room art for the hotel in San Diego. Funny how things work out.

We've had rain! Yesterday was cloudy and rainy for the entire day, which just made me grin. Took a long time for paint to dry, but I'm happy for the weather change.

I'm working at a regular pace, still have commissions in the studio, and also have orders for photograpy to print.


Karen Jacobs said...

Goes to show what happens when the artist moves along faster than the public eye (the decorator and all the people she has to please.) Some are more willing to accept bold, new concepts and others just aim to stay in the comfort zone. But you knew that ;-)

Walker said...

sure, I know it, but I don't LIKE it!

Bee Skelton said...

Your 'people' reminded me of the late L S Lowry's 'matchstick men 'n' matchstick cats 'n' dogs'. He would have loved the tension between them and your brilliant abstracted areas. So boo to your client! :-)

Annette Bush said...

I can see why the hotel folks like the people part of your painting. (I made a similar sketch from a hotel window in Japan -- just people under umbrellas walking, greeting, and stopping on a pedestrian bridge.) It's contemporary yet it has the connection to others even when alone in a hotel room, the suggestion that there is something to enjoy outside, not to mention the great feeling about it. It'll be terrific in that size and you'll find another clients for the 3 or 4 images from the rest of the painting! -VBG-