Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Reworking and Starting New

I had a look through that file drawer and tried to analyze what is was in those pieces that wasn't working. And found out that I broke my own rule of never using PINK. Pink is not a sellable color in the commercial market, but I love it so much some times I just use it anyway. And those are the paintings that don't sell.

I love the painting above- but it is cursed by the pink cactus. So I redid it yesterday, replacing the photo with white azaleas, and painting over the red dots.

I'll post a picture later when I come home from the gym.


garyb50 said...


Anonymous said...

Hummm....never thought of pink as being something designers turn thumbs down on. I have been told the "pinky-salmon" type colors were to be stayed away from on a couple of commissions. Kinda hard to paint landscapes (especially here in the southwest) without them.