Sunday, December 07, 2008

Changing Perspective

One of my photography groups had a meetup today in downtown Dallas. It was 30 min helicopter photo shoot. I've never been in a whirly bird before, so I was excited and anxious as we left the ground. Once we soared into the air I really got into it. The late afternoon light was yellow and warmed up the glass skycrapers, glinting and reflecting back. We made several sweeps around downtown, then around Texas stadium a few times, banking over the opening to shoot directly down. Wish there would have been a game going on -- that would have made a great shot! As it was, the light was perfect, the experience was thrilling. Now I want to do that everytime I travel to a new city. I took hundreds of photos in that short 30 minute segment, so now I'm downloading, deleting and processing. What fun!


Anonymous said...

Cool shot. I never get to do stuff like that ! ! !

BTW, what lens did you use?

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! Just the ride itself would be glorious, but the photo ops have to be breathtaking.

Dale Anne Potter said...

I'm sure the photographic possibilities were endless...LOVELY shot!