Monday, December 12, 2005

Party Time

During Saturday night's Blue Yule party hundreds of ornaments were up for sale. These artist-created designs bouncing merrily hanging from poles suspended around the room represent a substantial income for the non-profit McKinney Avenue Contemporary art center. It was a festive evening -- with blue punch, nice food bar, both a silent and live auction and of course ornament sales. I was chatting with friends and missed seeing the person who bought my ornament. The one I bought is named "Oprah" and consists of a round foam ball with a curly black wig, big black eyelashes, and colorful netting around the "neck". It's hilarious, and it makes me laugh to see it on my traditional tree.

That was the first of three parties I attended this weekend, how fun! Still managed to touch up and varnish that last painting I finished on Sat. Starting the second one this morning. Another 30 x 60 based on a 6" square.

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