Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Space Planning

In considering the layout of my new space, I find that I have few skills in the area of space planning What goes where? How much space to allow? What about storage? So many questions! I have movers coming tomorrow to assess all the things I want to move. Once I see that price tag I may get more organized!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. I've had the same thoughts when thinking about starting a kitchen from scratch. I still don't have any answers since what you do does depend on the amount of funds you have to spend as you point out.

Annette Bush said...

Space planning is really confusing. I am looking at trading in my 13 rooms (which never seem large enough) for the 6 rooms in the old farm house which was my great-grandparent's and where my grandparents married in 1910.

Daughter and I are hoping to be ready for the housing market upturn and are shooting for late 2010, (a 100th Anniversary celebration so to speak,) so there is lots of time to get things right, but my brain is in overload as I try to fit thing in the space.

Robin, I sure can empathize! Good luck!