Monday, March 03, 2008

Motivating Factors

I am always distracted by warm weather in the winter. I always know that it can't last, yet every year I plant spring flowers before their time. So it is that my poppies might have their little heads frozen off tonight. At least I got some photos yesterday.

I have a set deadline to have some sort of ideas put together to present to the designer for the large installation I've been working on. It's really not easy to assemble so many pieces that relate to each other. It's like pictorial storytelling. It has to flow from left to right, and it has to be balanced by color, light and dark, opaque and transparent. Just the type of thing to stress me out. So I had my masseuse come over last night to loosen me up. Wouldn't it be nice to get a massage every single morning? Just dreaming....

So my presentation is Wednesday morning. Thursday is the open house for Texas Clinic, which I will attend with pockets full of business cards. Another busy week!

Inspiration of the Day: storytelling

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