Friday, November 17, 2006

Blue Sky Euphoria

In the past few days I bought a new car and drove it to Santa Fe. I was very glad to have to company of my friend Janet. I had to have a crash course (so to speak) in the features of the new car while driving. When a trucker kept running up beside us, then falling back and turning his lights on and off on a lonely stretch of dark highway we talked ourselves into believing he wanted to kidnap us, but in reality, I didn't have my lights on - and he was trying to warn us!

We never mastered the navigation system while driving those 700 miles, but the dealership in Santa Fe was most helpful.

We wandered through a few galleries on Canyon Road, but my heart wasn't in it. Too much like work. I haven't even taken my camera out of the case. I'm truly taking a break from all that.

Yesterday was spa day. We made the long drive to Ojo Caliente to soak in the outdoor mineral pools, and topped it off with a massage and salt scrub. We felt the effects of drinking gallons of lithium water from a natural spring, and left there with a sense of euphoria and well being. I fell asleep on the couch early and right now I feel great.

We have a big pot of chicken soup on the stove, I'm going to get the newspaper to see what gallery openings are happening tonight, and all's right with my world.


Lisa Call said...

Now I'm really homesick. I grew up near Santa Fe.

Emily said...

Oh, your truck experience made me laugh! Glad you're relaxing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Robin...wish I was there.Go out to Madrid if you get a chance while you're there...and check out Jezebel Gallery at that location for me. They closed the Santa Fe location saying they sell more out at Madrid.