Sunday, July 23, 2006

Painting Music

Inspiration of the Day: Paul Simon
I don't go to concerts very often but Friday night found me in the crowd singing along to "Mrs. Robinson". I hadn't thought about Paul Simon's music much in the last 20 years, but remember well the popular sounds of Simon and Garfunkle. Those memories faded as old lyrics took a new twist with updated rhythms and lush layering of instruments and vocal harmonies.

This is what I thought about on Saturday as I started on the thirteen new photo paintings. There are a minimum of six layers of color on each painting, and as I added each variation, I thought of Paul Simon on stage, directing the 7 member band with quick flits of his hands. Just like me.


Annette Bush said...

When my family was younger, I created a salad which we named "Simon Says" for the politician Paul Simon because it has bowtie pasta. Somehow though, I always think of Paul Simon the musician as I assemble the various ingredients. Like his music and your paintings, it is never quite right if one layer is missing.

Annette Bush said...

When my family was younger, I created a salad which we named "Simon Says" for the politician Paul Simon because it has bowtie pasta. Somehow though, I always think of Paul Simon the musician as I assemble the various ingredients. Like his music and your paintings, it is never quite right if one layer is missing.

Walker said...

yes - I can see that "Paul Simon" salad....

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.