Monday, February 06, 2006

Art That Makes You Cry

Last straw of the day:
It was a simple request from a client. She has two images of mine in a project. She wanted me to design two more to go with them for a series of 4. Easy enough, I do it all the time. But today I just couldn't. I designed 4 completely different images. I don't know why. They won't go with the approved images at all. My client called and asked what the heck I was doing (paraphrased). I said I was about to cry. She said "me, too". We agreed to give it up for the day and start fresh tomorrow.

It's not the painting that stresses me out, it's the designing. I'm in the middle of designing the 11 foot grid painting. Then midday I sat down and designed a 20 foot wall installation with multiple levels of painted boxes. I did it to scale. That gave me a headache! At least I didn't have to decide how the boxes would be painted (yet), although my client said that's next.

I have put off and put off designing the cover of the Dallas Bar Association member directory. I have an appointment with them tomorrow.

I have not finished the landscapes, haven't touched them all day. Worked on the small grids, and a little on the big one even though I swore I wouldn't.

big sigh


Karen Jacobs said...

When did you say you are going to DC? Sounds like 'soon' would be good. KJ

Anonymous said...

Robin, you must be looking into my studio :>)..lots of unfinished work.......sometimes you just have to work on what YOU want to do and not what some client wants.That work you did that wasn't for the client will come in handy down the line I bet. I always think that the work you do for yourself has a "realness" about it that others will feel, too.
Just take a little break, cover that big painting up with a sheet :>)..or any others that are distracting you from the landscapes until you get them done. Then don't take any more landscape commissions for awhile.
