Saturday, January 21, 2006

Painting as Therapy

Still in the process of painting the four landscapes, two are now successful (in my eyes). The other two will be put in a file drawer today.

Late yesterday afternoon I had a phone call placing an order for something I bid on last October. Five 36" sq photo squares and a 11'w x 5'h grid painting. I didn't realize when I quoted this that the photo paintings were oversized - meaning they won't fit on my standard 30 x 44 paper. So I got out my one roll of Arches paper. That stuff has a memory! It's almost impossible to unroll, then I had to weigh down every edge in order to measure and cut each piece. I laid all five pieces out on my work table, sprayed each one with a mist of water, laid a sheet of foam core on top, then piled on heavy things in the hopes of flattening them. They aren't as curly this morning, but still damp, so I rolled them into big tubes and taped them. I hope that will straighten them out some.

I called my supplier to order inks for my Epson printer, and was told that my sales rep is in Austin for a major trade show. After doing a little research I discovered that this is an international Digital Imaging expo with 400 vendors. So I decided to go, and I'll head out this afternoon for a few days. I plan to go to the capital building and retake some photos that I need for my inventory.

So with all these things going on I feel better. I think the vitamin shake helped, too.

1 comment:

Martha Marshall said...

There's no therapy like wrestling with paper that has a memory! Physical therapy, that is! LOL! What a pain.